Saturday, May 21, 2005

Bound and Gagged!

Right, before anyone goes off on a tangent - nothing sexual in the title.

You see, having watched the Star Wars movie early on, earlier than most, I've been cast aside as a pariah and persona non grata with many of my friends - till they watch it. Nobody picks up my calls. Nobody wants to chat with me. The fear of me blurting out a spoiler apparently weighs heavily on their minds.

So i've been given a gag order. Funny thing though this one. EVERYONE knows how it ends. So why go through the motions of PRETENDING you don't know how it ends? Funny species this Hu-man. Thankfully a good portion of my friends have now seen it, and I can return from exile.

The immaterial girl returns from half a week of wandering the wilderness! A triumphant return no less. Never mind the fact that her heels are ruined and she looks a right old mess from going walkabouts in the bush - she's baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

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