What's a girl to do?
It's just past midnight... everything's rather quiet, and I can make a somewhat haphazard, half concerted attempt at thinking. Something I can't do, and quite noticeably too, at any other time of the day.
So... taking stock of the situation. I'm wide awake hence, my magically new found ability to be vaguely coherent. Couple that level of alertness with an overactive imagination and you've got a recipe for disaster.
I've done diddly squat all day and sorta wunged (the past tense of wing) my way through a dreary day. Felt a little lethargic for the most part - then got my second wind at half five, which is when the day starts for me. Perfect timing don't you think?
Not long after, I'm here on the net, in my own little world - and by golly - I've got some friends here. I don't know - are friends on the internet any less real than friends you can see and touch?
I had a debate with a friend of mine today and her point was that there's a veil around the internet in that you can be someone you're not. How can that be real?
You see, she's the coherent at work, incoherent afterwards over a glass of wine type - quite possibly the anti-thesis of who I am.
So what she said made some sense, but whilst I yielded there and then to her on the subject matter, it got me wondering - could this alleged veil around the internet actually promote rather than hinder your personality? I chat regularly with someone who goes by the handle "devil", and never met him in real life. I think - and honestly believe that if we were to meet at the frequency we chat now, but in a cafe - he'd never have the audacity to say the things he says - needless to say, they're very forthright and borderline pornographic. But that's the real him. How much of this personality would surface if he were "real"
Better the devil you know, or rather I know, i say.
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