Saturday, May 12, 2007

Music and Lyrics :) swoon

Whilst on my travels I had the chance to watch music and lyrics on board one of my flights. I have to say, I adore that film. It's way too camp, funny - yet manages to remain reasonably stimulating mentally. Thorougly crass at times, I still found it in my heart to forgive these as it's just got such nice warm huggy feelings. Yeah, it's a girl flick. Macho types need not apply. As a consequence, the two big tracks in the film are now very much faves of mine. You tube videos and lyrics included :)

Pop! Goes my heart! (Hugh Grant looks cute here :P)

Way back into Love

Suzy's back

Have just gotten back from a whirlwind trip that saw me in Singapore four times, the philippines twice, and Australia - all in one week. As usual, it was a good trip, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. Very good to catch up again with Sze Wen, Ivan, Hennie, Slamet, Keith. Was also good to meet up with Jacelyn, Ernie and Khoa for the first time.

Anyway, this girl went shopping. I've always been a big fan of shopping on Bridge Road. They've got all these nice factory outlets. Also paid a visit to the other factory outlet joint, DFO, in Moorabbin, as well as the customary visit to Southland.

Pics to come soon! I can't wait to go back to Melbourne next month :)